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The BK Blog is curated just for you. Like a warm, specialty espresso drink at your favorite coffee shop. It’s designed for ambitious goal getters who want to rise again, achieve big goals, and transform their personal and professional lives.

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We all go through phases in life where we settle for the chaos and monotony because we either accept our fate or feel selfish investing in ourselves (or both!). We may feel too busy to add one more thing to our plate at work to further our learning and value. We may feel guilty about […]

How To Create Your Personal Dream Team To Get Unstuck and Start Living Your Best Life

dozen roses
podcast microphone

Helping People To Rise Again: Is This You?

In this Female Founders Podcast interview with WomLEAD Magazine, I share how the trials and tribulations of my life played into my entrepreneurial journey and offer several tips for other ambitious women who are looking to rise again after adversity to pursue their goals. Thank you to WomLead Magazine for inviting me to share my […]

What is a personal brand? If you are like me, you feel like your “brand” changes every day (and maybe even multiple times a day). You have your professional self, parenting self, side-hustle self, bestie self, hot mess self (oh, just me?), and so on. I have spent many years of my career showing up […]

Personal Brand: 8 Steps to Curate an Irresistibly Fierce and Confident Identity

hand writing in journal

How To Effectively Manage Stress As An Entrepreneur or Executive

I was sitting at my desk in my office wearing sweatpants and a flowy dress shirt as I participated in one virtual meeting after the other. My tea was cold, and my head was pounding. My notebook had more to-do’s than completed tasks, and I felt like a cat on a hot tin roof. My […]

Impostor syndrome has been described as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.  It is said to affect high-achieving people at a higher rate than others, showing up as discounting our skills and accomplishments. Impostor syndrome affects both men and women alike, and research has shown that at least 70% of people have experienced […]

How Do I Stop Feeling Like An Impostor And Begin Embracing My Abilities and Accomplishments?

5 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Brain To Inspire Creativity And Bring Clarity

As we are striving to do big things and juggling many balls on any given day, we may discover that we can’t get in the groove or find our inspiration and motivation to be on top of our game. Despite being a self-proclaimed high-performer myself, I have struggled to find my consistent footing as the […]

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