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The BK Blog is curated just for you. Like a warm, specialty espresso drink at your favorite coffee shop. It’s designed for ambitious goal getters who want to rise again, achieve big goals, and transform their personal and professional lives.

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Impostor syndrome has been described as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.  It is said to affect high-achieving people at a higher rate than others, showing up as discounting our skills and accomplishments. Impostor syndrome affects both men and women alike, and research has shown that at least 70% of people have experienced […]

How Do I Stop Feeling Like An Impostor And Begin Embracing My Abilities and Accomplishments?

How To Start Something New And Position Yourself For Success

Starting something new is exciting, challenging, and maybe even scary. When we set a goal for ourselves, the thrill of the journey and vision of success can be energizing.  However, it can be overwhelming to take the first few actions towards that goal and keep the momentum going. I am experiencing this right now. Between […]

I recently started a second business and had to build yet another website from scratch. I stared at the blank screen, wondering how on earth I would fill the pages with fresh copy that made others feel just as excited about my new company as I was. Furthermore, how could I possibly make it sound […]

How To Confidently Project Bigger For Faster Success In Life And Business

5 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Brain To Inspire Creativity And Bring Clarity

As we are striving to do big things and juggling many balls on any given day, we may discover that we can’t get in the groove or find our inspiration and motivation to be on top of our game. Despite being a self-proclaimed high-performer myself, I have struggled to find my consistent footing as the […]

For the longest time, I never really understood what coaching was outside of the context of sports. At some points, I equated it to mentorship; other times, it sounded like therapy, and other examples sounded a bit like a mash-up of both with a bit of “woo woo” sprinkled in. My thinking was changed when […]

What is Life Coaching and How Would It Benefit Me?

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How To Actually Stay Professional During A Heart-Stopping Personal Crisis

I was sitting in my office when I received an email telling me some deeply personal news that rocked me to my core. My body froze, my anxiety kicked in, and my brain couldn’t process a single thought. It can be impossible to know what to do in those moments when you have voices in […]

I woke up one morning with the insatiable itch to try something new in my professional life. I had a little voice in the back of my head that had been getting louder in recent years, and it was encouraging me to start my own business. While my heart raced with excitement about the potential […]

5 Things To Ask Yourself When Considering Launching Your Own Business

wedding photographer
woman holding journal

How To Write Actionable Goals For No-Kidding Life Success

I don’t know about you, but each year I take some time to think about my life goals and jot them down. Generally, that turns into more of a wish-list without any action built into it. I recently took the exercise more seriously as I was at a crossroads in my career, newly married, and […]

I woke up one day and had no emails, no voice-mails, no conference calls, no projects, and no employees. I had no job. I had no identity. This is what was going through my head. After two decades of giving everything I had to climb the ladder, build my network and the companies I was […]

How To Pivot Your Career Mid-Stream

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3 Steps To Get Control of Your Stressful Life

Are you feeling out of control lately? What may have started as a mild to moderate spiral with the juggling act of your personal and professional life has now escalated to a full-blown “what is going on??” with the many changes and shifts that have occurred during pandemic life. You are not alone. The reality […]

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