woman holding coffee and ipad
REad post

Today, I’m delving into a topic that some may find slightly uncomfortable. Perhaps you’ve heard the nagging voice of imposter syndrome that tells you you’re not enough—not worth that raise, not deserving of that promotion, not [fill in the blank] enough—or maybe you’re just not quite sure how to take your career to the next […]


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The BK Blog is curated just for you. Like a warm, specialty espresso drink at your favorite coffee shop. It’s designed for ambitious goal getters who want to rise again, achieve big goals, and transform their personal and professional lives.

Welcome to the BK Blog 

Today, I’m delving into a topic that some may find slightly uncomfortable. Perhaps you’ve heard the nagging voice of imposter syndrome that tells you you’re not enough—not worth that raise, not deserving of that promotion, not [fill in the blank] enough—or maybe you’re just not quite sure how to take your career to the next […]

Rise and Shine: Mastering the Art of Self-Advocacy in Your Career

woman holding coffee and ipad

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